
27 November 2018


ENA, London

Medical management of CO
Medical management of CO

The management of CO poisoning requires the involvement of many different professionals, and links between these professionals need to be strengthened if a meaningful and effective systems- approach is to be developed and implemented.

This workshop offered participants, all of whom had a role in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of carbon monoxide poisoning, an opportunity to discuss the problems faced by industry and healthcare professionals in providing what they considered, a first-class patient management pathway.

In the past, this issue has been addressed via meetings and a report supported by the Gas Safety Trust (GST) and prepared by a small multi-disciplinary healthcare group (COMED). A specialist workshop funded by GST had sought to improve progress in scientific research on a new biomarker for CO2. Smaller meetings on specific aspects associated with poisoning supported by GST had also taken place.

However, it had become apparent, that for system-change to occur, a larger collaborative event was required. This event would seek to raise suggestions for research to improve the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients and to develop optimum patient management pathways that linked the work of health-care and industry professionals involved in the prevention and management of CO poisoning.

The workshop report produced, outlines those discussions; identifies current information sources, outlines the problems being faced, highlights gaps in understanding and practice, identifies research needs, considers the vulnerable and concludes by reiterating a call for the development of a consensus document on the medical management of CO poisoning.

Download the Medical Management of CO poisoning report